Health & Safety

Our top priority is the health and wellness of our students. We take great pride in having a clean facility, delicious food, and top notch medical care.

Any students with specialized medical plans should contact the program coordinator before the trip, to ensure the best medical care possible for their child. Our on-site medics (RNs, LPNs, and EMTs) will be available 24 hours a day during the entire trip and will dispense medications and provide excellent medical care. We work closely with local and regional officials to ensure we are fully prepared for any emergency situation.

Kids standing looking down.
Girls on rock.


Transition Time: There is time built into the schedule for students to transition between activities. During the transition time, the staff is prepping for their next activity, and we ask the students to do the same. Students need to use the bathroom, fill water bottles, change out of wet clothes, and make sure they’re prepared for the weather of the day. When the preparation for the next activity is finished, we allow the students to play basketball, soccer, or just relax until their next activity. During the transition time, students are supervised by their chaperones and school teachers, so they can go back to their cabins, if necessary.

Overnight Hours: The students go back to their cabins at 8:45 pm with their chaperones. In the cabins, the students can shower and get ready for bed, and also relax and unwind with their friends. Bedtime is approximately 10 pm, and the students are woken up around 7 am in order to be ready for breakfast at 8 am.


Terrific Instructors

All Outdoor Classroom instructors are trained in First Aid and CPR. They also participate in extensive training at the start of each season led by our expert leadership team. This training is designed to prepare our staff to execute a program that meets students’ educational, social, emotional, and physical needs.


Emergency Preparedness

We work closely with local and regional officials to ensure we are fully prepared for any emergency situation and we train our staff to effectively execute risk management and emergency plans.

Learn more about our Illnesses Policy

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